Papers shall be maximum 3 – 6 full pages, including references.
МSWord, Times New Roman,
font size 12, single spacing,
margins: top and bottom– 2 cm, left– 3 cm, right – 1 cm.
Paragraph – 1,25 cm.
Text in lower-case letters, full justification.
The paper shall start with UDC (УДК), next line shall contain the title of the paper in bold capital letters, followed by the author’s (s’) name(s), position (s), degree(s) in bold, organization, city, country, e-mail. After a blank line the title of the paper, the author’s (s’) data, organization, city and country are given in English (if the paper is presented in Russian/Belarusian) or Russian (if the paper is presented in English). After a blank line, full text of the paper is given.
Full text shall be split into parts with subheadings: Summary. Key words. Introduction. Materials and methods. Findings. Discussion. Acknowledgments. Bibliography.
Summary and key words in Russian and English (for papers in Russian). Summary shall include the objective of the study, methodology and outcomes.
Recommended number of words – 150.
Number of key words – 5-10.
Key words are separated by commas. Tables shall be incorporated in the text of the paper. Figures shall be attached as separate JPG files. Pages shall not be numbered. Formulas shall be in Math Type editor.
The papers shall have maximum 5 co-authors. Each (co-)author is allowed maximum 3 papers.
Neither previously published papers nor those with absence of novelty will be published! Texts of papers are not to be reviewed and will be published as received. All conference participants will be granted a Certificate of Participation. Conference proceedings will be published in the RSCI bibliographic database.
The registration fee covers the publication of conference proceedings, organizational costs, meals for conference participants.
Registration fee for participants from Belarus and CIS countries:
– 60 BYN/one paper for speakers;
– 40 BYN/one paper for virtual presentation;
Registration fee for participants from other countries:
– 80 BYN (approx. 33 EUR)/one paper for speakers;
– 50 BYN (approx. 20 EUR)/one paper for virtual presentation.
Bank details:
– payments in BYN:
account No. BY 11AKBB36329000032565100000
BIK: AKBBBY2X JSC “Belarusbank”, Minsk UNP 100354659.
The bank receipt shall contain the following wording:
“Conference “Logging industry: problems and solutions”, name, surname».
– payments in RUB:
account No. BY51 AKBB36329000037065100000
JSC “Belarusbank”, Minsk,
BIK: AKBBBY2X UNP100354659
Correspondent bank: SBERBANK Moscow.
Сorresponding account 30101810400000000225 in main branch of the Bank of Russia by CFD
BIK 044525225 INN 7707083893.
account No: 30111810700000000063
The bank receipt shall contain the following wording: “Conference “Logging industry: problems and solutions”, name, surname».
– payments in EUR:
account No. BY05 AKBB36329000037225100000
JSC “Belarusbank”, Minsk
BIK: AKBBBY2X UNP 100354659
Correspondent bank in Germany:
Deutsche Bank AG. Frankfurt am Main.
account number: 100-949811410
The bank receipt shall contain the following wording: “Conference “Logging industry: problems and solutions”, name, surname».
A scan copy of the bank receipt shall be submitted upon online registration on the conference website